Sammy`s Christmas Party 2021

Sunday 5th December 2021
This party was for those members aged up to 6 years
In attendance: Sammy the Tammy & Mr Barking!
It had been two years since the last Sammy’s Party but we finally arranged some events for our members! Due to Covid restrictions we were obviously unable to arrange events and deliberately delayed arranging anything until we felt confident that events could go ahead without disruption.

There was no disruption until Sammy arrived!

This event was free and open to all those members who paid their membership fee last season. We stated at the time that the fee would cover two seasons (including this season 2021/22) as we were unsure of what we could offer for the membership due to the covid restrictions.

We have also decided to discontinue the use of our paypal account. We are still restricted in some of the things that we can offer, especially in relation to anything that requires the use of East End Park (e.g. ball boys, penalty kick comp and the attendance of players at events). We are hopeful that things might look better in January and we can fulfil more events.

Sammy was joined by two mums who helped play out Sammy’s Story to Grease Lightning.